Thursday 23 February 2017

Stroytelling time in Mandarin- "猪八戒吃西瓜"

2017年2月24日 星期五

Last Friday, G3 children have listened to a Chinese story which is from a classic master piece"xī yóu jì西游记" in China. The name of this story is "zhū bā jiè chī xī guā猪八戒吃西瓜" ( 猪八戒 ate watermelon), the story is written in Mandarin.

I was surprised that many children have known about some famous characters in this story, such as "sūn wù kõng孙悟空" and "zhū bā jiè猪八戒".

All children have enjoyed the story, and also have asked various questions about it.

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