Wednesday 2 November 2016

2016年11月2日 星期三

Exploring at my school

This week Grade 2 kids start to learn how to use Mandarin to say some basic buildings or facilities at our school. In order to get the first and visual impressions to our school, Grade 2 kids decided to take an exploring tour at our campus during class time. They chose some places and took some individual master pieces!

In the following classes, they will learn how to say these places in Mandarin!

(photographed by Arisa)

(photographed by Albert)

                                                                  (photographed by Phallyka)

(photographed by Charvy) 

(photographed by Jona)

(photographed by Arisa)

(photographed by Christopher)
(photographed by Phallyka)

Monday 19 September 2016

Sunday 4 September 2016

2016年九月五日  星期一

Dear parents and carers,
I have placed a copy for home continuance learning plan for today. Please click on the Unit 1 button on the Mandarin blog page for the further details. If you have any question, please send email to me on

Sunday 28 August 2016


Recently Grade 2 kids are learning 'My family' . We've learnt how to say some basic family members in Mandarin, such as: grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, big brother, big sister, little brother, little sister.

Due to introduce eloquently their families to others, the kids created and made their own 'Family Tree".

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Celebrating Chinese New Year

As we are learning Mandarin, it is also important to know and understand some Chinese traditions customs. This year, the 7th Feb will be "除夕"(chú xī), on that day, all the Chinese will gather together with families or friends to welcome the new year. They paste Spring couplets and pictures on their gates and walls; They make dumplings and share with families and friends; send best wishes to each other. Children will get "红包"(hóng bāo)from parents and grandparents or elders. 

Today G5 children have experienced one of traditional Chinese customs---Chinese Paper cutting“中国剪纸”. I am impressed that most of children have enjoyed it and made effort. They followed the instructions on line step by step. At the end, we've got some different patterns based on one instruction.^__*  


Sunday 31 January 2016

dà jiā hǎo
大 家 好!
As Chinese new year is approaching, i would like to share with you this popular song"新年好".

Wish you all a very Happy Chinese New Year!
Please click the link below: