Thursday 29 October 2015

 dà  jiā  hǎo
大  家  好!
Here are some vocabulary about "Halloween":

wàn  shèng   jié                                                 yuè      rì
万    圣    节------Halloween(10月31日)

zhū   shèng   jié                                                          yuè   rì
诸    圣    节------All Saints' Day(11月1日)

bù gěi táng jiù dǎo dàn
不 给 糖 就 捣 蛋------Trick or treat
                                                                                                           (from Wikipedia)

Tuesday 27 October 2015

dà jiā hǎo
大 家 好!
Here is the video of one Christmas song we are practicing recently:
 líng ér xiǎng dīng dāng
 铃 儿 响  叮 当

Welcome to Mandarin Foreign Language!


  In Mandarin Foreign Language Programme the students will:
  • Learn and improve the target language according to their level, needs, grade, expectations and interest . 
  • Learn the alphabet, the basic or more complex vocabulary and grammar structures . 
  • Develop skills in speaking, listening, understanding and writing . 
  • Learn through songs, games, drama and creative activities . 
  • Have fun learning, be interested and challenged! 

If you would like to know more about your kid(s)' Mandarin learning, please contact me through the email below: